Friday, December 30, 2011

Night Out at the Tavern…

I decided that I needed to take Tyler and Tamara to my “famous dance spot.” We went to the Village Tavern in Margate for a drink and a dance. I even won a black label t-shirt (which I gave to my dear boyfriend.)

The best part of my night (other than dancing the night away with awesome music and lovely people) was when Tyler ordered water! I know this sounds odd, but let me explain… He asked for “wa-are-der” (which is my version of the way Americans say “water”) and the bartender said “you want what?” so he decided to “speak South African” and asked for “w-o-ta” (which is apparently how we sound) and the guy understood him. I think all these small steps help him to see how I have felt in the USA.

While I disagree with that being the best part of the night ;), I will say that it didn’t help being in a loud bar. I still firmly believe that she somehow put the bartender up to it. Further adding to my conspiracy theory, the reason I was ordering that water was because Robyn asked me to go get one… I think it was a setup. That being said, this South African vacation opened my eyes to a lot of different things and I think helped me understand a lot of different things about my girlfriend… and more than just she isn’t the only one in this world that says water funny :P

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