Thursday, July 21, 2011

We can call this home…

We made our way to what we termed home, the Hostelling International in downtown San Francisco. We made a rule that anytime we were able to stay somewhere for more than one night, we could totally unpack and thus it would become home. For dinner we made our way to a sushi place close to the hostel, this made my night complete!

Our new "home"

My Flag!!!

Morning time in San Fran was started with scrambled eggs, pancakes, fruit and tea. I felt like a fat kid that was finally able to eat! Once we were fully feed we started on our adventure to explore the city. Starting at the Visitors Center, then we made our way to SoMa (South of Market) which is a small district in San Fran. We also saw the City Hall and the Civic center.

City Hall, San Fran

Then we stood around and looked like lost tourists ‘til a guy came over and helped us to find the easiest way to Pier 33 where we would be able to see the waterfront before making our way to the Alcatraz tour boat. We had booked our tickets in advance, which was a good thing cos tickets are sold out for weeks in advance! (Good job, Robyn)

Alcatraz, CA

Alcatraz, CA

It was a bit of a chilly day and of course we were not really prepared for it. So we froze on the way to Alcatraz and most of the time we were exploring this well known landmark, often referred to as “the rock.” It is a very interesting tour as you walk around armed with earphones and a taped message which leads you around the prison. The audio was done by ex-prison guards and prisoners so it was definitely more personal.  It was pretty cool to walk to hallways of a famous jail, and maybe a little creepy too!

Model of Alcatraz, CA

The view from Alcatraz (although it's SUPER windy)

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