Monday, July 18, 2011

Onto a few more wonderful sights…

Then we headed to Pioneer Square, where we saw some beautiful buildings and found Smith Tower, where we went up and got to see an amazing view of Seattle and of course the Space Needle.

The view from the Smith Tower, WA

Looking down from the Smith Tower, WA

It's so beautiful up here, WA

Next we headed to Occidental Park and the football stadium (Safeco field) where I found a South African flag amongst a few international ones that were displayed, so of course I spent more time taking pictures of the flag than the stadium (hence the fact that when I began to type this blog post I couldn’t remember whether it had been a baseball or football field…Robyn fail!)

The 3rd one is a South African flag!!!

Getting back to our bikes to set off in search of more Seattle sights and I couldn’t figure out why my helmet wouldn’t clip up, then Nina packed up laughing and I realized that my helmet was on backwards! (Second Robyn fail!)

Safeco Field, WA

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