Monday, July 25, 2011

The name says it all…

Goodbye Yucca Valley…and hello Death Valley! Ever wondered who would call a National Park Death Valley? Well when you are realize it’s as hot as hell (53°C the day we were there), and that is pretty much the only name that perfectly describes it! With that being said I have to tell you it is beautiful! There are some amazingly spectacular views along the route. Unfortunately some of them you have to walk to which meant that Nina and I drenched ourselves in water two steps out of the car in the hopes that we would not boil internally if we could keep our external body temperature down, and we drank so much water in those few hours…it was crazy!

Death Valley

Loving the view

Zabriskie Point, Death Valley
We drove to Scotty’s Castle which was closed for tours but we still managed to have a look around the outside of the buildings. I loved the look of the castle, crazy that anyone would want to live there, but it really is beautiful! 

Scotty's Castle, Death Valley

We also got to see the most magnificent sunset and a wonderful open patch of sand, the reminded me of a scene from Pirates in the Caribbean.

Our piece of paradise

Once we had fired all our internal organs we decided to head to Las Vegas…or our new home as we were staying for two nights!



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