Saturday, August 11, 2012

Texting errors…

While sending various text messages to let people know how we were progressing, I realized just how sneaky my phone is. It’s like it thinks it knows what I am thinking (man that sentence was confusing.) For example when I text the word ‘care’ if I don’t watch out any of these words could come out ‘cape, card, case, base, bare, bard, acre . ‘Eating’ comes up as ‘dating’ and ‘eat’ comes up as ‘fat’. I try to type “I’m booking it” and either “I’m cooking it” or “I’m cooling it” comes up. “Furry” comes up as “fuzzy” which I suppose is a pretty even swap.

In theory doesn't sounds so bad but when you text a friend to ask “how ‘ Brian’ is doing” and “how is ‘ Asian’ doing” comes up, how exactly do you avoid the awkwardness? Luckily in this situation ‘ Brian’ is not ‘ Asian’. What about when you type “I will ‘see’ you soon” and my evil phone types “I will ‘pee’ you soon”. Hmmm. Then there is the awkward situation when you realize you just told someone you “love ‘avo’ on toast” and now they think you “love ‘bum’ on toast”.  

My phone also has this great thing where it thinks we are so nsync that it can finish my words for me. So it really annoys me every time I begin to type ‘yummy’ and my phone suggests ‘zumba’ instead. I see what you did there phone!

This is a growing issue even with me, given I have an iPhone and it loves to auto correct for me, I have only had one major issue, but otherwise it has been okay. My issue actually was quite embarrassing and happened when texting my mom. She had asked me to send her some information and she was bugging me about it, I wanted to text back, “just give me a sec” my iPhone apparently does not know slang so it autocorrected “sec” to sex and it was even smart enough to realize that if I were trying to use the word sex that the “a” wasn't necessary… so the message came out, “just give me sex” … something you surely NEVER want to text anyone, especially your mother. After doing some serious explaining the issue was resolved.  Apparently we are not the only ones with this issue though, there is a whole website devoted to these sorts of errors, and they are absolutely hilarious:

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