Thursday, August 30, 2012

Straight towards the hurricane…

Our next stop was Little Rock, AR (Arkansas). Since hurricane Isaac was currently headed towards that exact area we were a little weary.  We did hit a few patches of heavy rain on the way down.
Once we arrived in Little Rock we decided to go out to eat, mistake #1 since it was pouring with rain and extremely windy. Mistake #2 was paying for parking in an area where you don’t have to pay on weekends. And by paying I mean Tyler had to stand outside in the pouring rain while using a stick-like thing to push dollar bills into a tiny slot, while I sat in the car laughing. Don’t worry, he got his pay back. After eating a delicious meals, we headed (I mean ran) back to the car, I was carrying my leftover box, I opened the door and as I stepped towards the car a gush of wind blew the door straight onto the leg. So, now I had my first ever hurricane injury. And that was mistake #3.

Tyler "paying" for parking

My injury :(
The hotel we stayed in was terrible! We had no power half the time, the toilet made a horrible noise and the shower was terrible!

However the next day we were ready to head on to our next adventure.

By the time the hurricane had reached Little Rock (which is pretty far inland) it had lost a lot of it’s power, and I think that is the part that surprised me the most because it was still a pretty hectic storm. I cannot imagine how powerful it was when it first crossed land. That being said I really liked Little Rock, Arkansas and would like to go back some day when it isn't raining 24/7. There was literally rain the ENTIRE time we were there because of the storm. 

Look REALLY carefully for "Little Rock" in white

Mural on one of the walls :)

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