Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Seeing old friends/ meeting new friends…

Welcome :)

Arriving in Winston Salem, NC Tyler introduced me to Blake, Megan and McKinley. Tyler had met the couple 3 years earlier on a cruise to the Bahamas. They were on their honeymoon, he was with his (now ex) girlfriend. Tyler has stayed in touch with them the entire time and was excited to introduce me to them.
We got on like a house on fire, and their daughter McKinley and I soon become friends. She is the cutest 2 year old. She was interested in Tyler, but also wary of him. After a great dinner and a great sleep we were ready for another great day.

My tummy had other ideas though. I started to feeling like something funny was going on, but I thought it made just be hunger. We decided to make a dash and go out for breakfast. Driving along the highway and my tummy started to flip, luckily we took the next exit because I grabbed a plastic bag and *vomit*. At the stop street I bolted out the car, the packet I had grabbed had a whole in it, and it had started to leak. (So gross, sorry to make you read through this.) So after cleaning up and continuing on our search for food, I was feeling much better.

I managed to eat half a salad, and then my tummy did flips again. More getting sick, and then nothing, I felt so much better.

Our plan for the day was to go to Trampoline world. Even with the feeling sick in the morning, I was ready to soldier on and explore Trampoline world. I jumped, bounced and ran around along with Tyler, Megan, Blake and McKinley and it was awesome!

With Blake, Megan and McKinely

Awesome place, right?

Trampoline work is a huge room, furnished with trampolines. I’m talking about the floor and even part of the wall (so you can literally bounce of the walls.) Then there is a foam pit that you can jump into.  Now that we were all hot and sweaty, we climbed into the car to drive to Chapel Hill where we were meeting Tyler’s college roommate, Anthony.

The UNC (University of North Carolina) campus in Chapel Hill

The UNC (University of North Carolina) campus in Chapel Hill 

Winston Salem was one of my favorite stops, it was great to see old friends and finally make it down to their neck of the woods.  Blake was able to come up to Milwaukee for work a couple of years ago and we were able to meet up, however I hadn’t seen Megan since we got off the boat in Jacksonville together. It is amazing how you won’t see people for so long, but then as soon as you see them you get along like it was just yesterday. I can honestly say that these two will be friends of mine forever and we are already planning a get together next year. I am absolutely thrilled that Robyn also got along with them so well, I cannot say enough how much I liked Winston Salem… so much that when I am looking for a home in a couple of years I might just take a peak down there ;)

After looking through the University of North Carolina campus we headed out to dinner at Top of the Hill with Anthony and Margot. I’m glad to say this meal stayed down. It was interesting to hear stories about Tyler while he was in college.

This was another stop that I was greatly looking forward to, Anthony and I were college roommates and have stayed friends over the years, luckily for him he has decided to go to graduate schools at one of the best schools in the US which just so happened to be not too far up the road from where Megan and Blake lived. I felt bad for Robyn as she had to sit and listen to the two of us reminisce through our college days and all the shenanigans that we experienced. It is always great to be able to catch up and go through all those old times and it was great to see an old friend who is doing well.

On to Virginia Beach…

Our 5 things we are thankful for today…
1) Trampoline world
2) Finally being able to eat a meal ... Without throwing up (Robyn)
3) Blake and Megan's hospitality
4) Our UNC tour guide and favorite big guy
5) Actual freeways and not back roads

Our adventure will continue in our next installment…

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