Saturday, August 4, 2012

Small but cute…

New State!

So Dover is not the biggest city, but it really cute. (If a city can be considered cute.) It has a definite old, charming feel to it. The buildings were all very pretty and the downtown, while definitely not hip and happening, was very maintain, and pleasantly pretty.

"Downtown" Dover, DE
We drove past Dover Downs, which is a Hotel, Casino and race track. It was big, and the outside look pretty cool.
Then we headed to the Bombay Wildlife refuge, which had some pretty scenery.
I enjoyed Dover, but I have to say my favourite memory was eating KFC in the room the night we arrived. It’s fun living from hotel to hotel, but it gets boring and sometimes it’s nice just to relax while eating chicken and watching the Olympics.

More of Dover, DE

I think one of my favorite parts of the trip was every night when we got into the hotel we would turn on the TV and watch the Olympics together. I wish we weren’t traveling during them because I would have liked to have watched more than we did, however we were able to see the opening and closing ceremonies, while also catching a lot of the different events. 

Dover Downs, DE

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