Thursday, August 2, 2012

Denied in Virginia…

We ventured out in Virginia Beach and I was really excited to see Cape Henry lighthouse. We arrived at the gate, which also happened to be a military checkpoint. We had to have the vehicle insurance and registration with us, unfortunately since it’s a new car Tyler had not received his insurance paperwork, so we had to settle with Google 
images instead.

Cape Henry Lighthouse, VA (Google Image)

We headed to the Virginia Beach, er beach. It was great to walk along the beach and play a little in the waves. We also found the Neptune statue and got some great shots of it. There were jets flying overhead, which was really cool to see.

Virginia Beach, VA
Virginia Beach, VA

Neptune Statue at Virginia Beach, VA

Now onto our Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia (not sure you can call it) adventure…

It stunk that we weren’t able to get into the lighthouse, I was certain that I had the paperwork before we left but I couldn’t find it. Luckily we were able to get down to the beach which was really pretty. Once you got too far away from the beach the areas were less than pretty though, it seems like the area was a little run down unfortunately. 

Mount Trashmore, VA

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