Sunday, August 5, 2012

Frank…and his baby…

Tyler, while working with Kohls, met a guy called Frank. I’m sure he will tell you a little about the background, but basically all I knew about Frank was that he looks like 50cent, and taught Tyler how to dance.
We meet up with Frank, his girlfriend and their baby. The kid was an angel, willing to try any food her dad gave her, so quiet during our meal and of course, super cute!

After Boston, MA we started to head towards Ellsworth, Maine…

Our 5 things we are thankful for today… (yesterday we had no reception)
1) The sunrise on the beach
2) Old Navy (for shopping)
3) Bob, Geri and family for being such wonderful hosts
4) Pandora (It’s a music station that you play over the iphone)
5) Real clam chowder (yes mom I eat clam chowder *Tyler*)

Frank was a contractor who worked for a company called Groom Construction, Kohl’s (the company I previously worked for) used Groom as quality control for when we built new stores. Given I was in charge of new stores for Kohl’s and Frank was always handling our buildings we worked together very closely. I had known that Frank lived in Boston and he always told me that if I would be out that way I should get in touch with him. As I always do I stayed in touch with him and we met up.

Boston, MA


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