Friday, August 3, 2012

A beautiful harbor and barking like a dog…

The morning in Baltimore was spent trying to find suitable parking, food and planning our adventure route (I had all the activities picked out but we did not have a plan of action established). Once we were all parked, fed and prepared we headed to Camden Yards, which has to do with baseball and Babe Ruth (that’s pretty much all I remember.) That and we saw the baseball field, where the Baltimore Orioles play.

Tyler and I at the stadium, MD

Then we headed to the Museum of Dentistry, which made me REALLY appreciate my dentist and the advanced technology we are able to use now. Some of that instruments were just plain scary! We were even able to play the tooth jukebox which housed old toothpaste and tooth brush ads. So I have officially heard the ipana advert now. (Which makes the piece in Grease when she sings makes more sense now. Song below)

Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a
Get the new Ipana
With the brand new flavor
It's dandy for your Teeth

Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a
New Ipana toothpaste
Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a
Knocks out decay germs fast
Fast! Faster! You sure are right!”

Mine is the top one (and my funny one is the bottom one)
Tyler's is the bottom one

The next stop was the Inner harbour where we found pier 5 & 6, home of concerts and summer entertainment.
We saw a really cool water fountain, walk around sculpture type thing. We also walked around a lot of the habour and saw many shops, restaurants and even the aquarium.

Inner Habour, MD

Inner Harbour, MD
Well on a harbour tour in a speed boat. It was called the Sea Dog, and a requirement of riding the Sea Dog is that you begin the voyage with a bark and end it with the wave. My bark was more like a little Chihuahua, Tyler was definitely a more solid, and ‘manly’ bark. The ride was super fun, especially once we had left the inner habour, and the speed limitation. Luckily we did not get too wet!

Pier 5 or 6

Boring 2 (at the restaurant)

Boring 1 (at the restaurant)
Afterwards we went up the Top of the World observation tower, where we got to see a great view of the city below us. I really enjoyed this. There was a memorial section dedicated 9/11 and it was interesting to read about some of the people involved. I also asked Tyler if the White House was the Capitol building (which apparently is a stupid question, since I got the “what-the-heck-look?”) I mean isn’t it the White House? I know DC is the capitol of the USA, but that doesn’t mean the building is automatically called the capitol, right?

Homes not too far away :)

View from the top, MD

Anyway, that also inspired conversations about the White House and how much safety and security must be involved in protecting the building. That led Tyler to inform me, that he reckons if the White House was attacked it would probably turn into a transformer…haha


Oh and we also saw the Washington monument.

I have to say, I am a fan of Baltimore! Let’s see what Dover, Delaware has to offer…
Hmmm, apparently I put Tyler in charge of our things to be thankful list…cos it wasn’t done…

I also enjoyed Baltimore, I didn’t think that it was going to be one of the more fun stops but it definitely held up its end of the bargain. The inner harbor was beautiful and the boat ride was tons of fun. As for the daily list of 5 things I made it very clear at the beginning of the trip that if I were left in charge of it that it would be missed, therefore I take 0 responsibility for it not happening on that given day. 

Homophone written on the stones, MD

Garden in the city, MD

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