Sunday, August 5, 2012

For my mommy…

I started a tradition that every year on my birthday, I wake up with the sunrise. (It doesn’t always go according to plan, and one or years I have decided the sunset would be good enough.) But waking up with the sunrise always makes me feel closer to my mom; she is the ONLY person crazy enough to wake up at the crack of dawn…just because.

I convinced Tyler that this would be *fun*. 5a.m, I was up and ready, Tyler was a little slower, but still made it happen. It was a cloudy morning, so the sunrise wasn’t completely clear, but it was beautiful nonetheless, and my family was close to my heart.

Enjoy the pictures below :)

We had breakfast at the Abbotts and then an amazing drive through Hull. We even had an ice cream on the pier, and then headed back to their house for some beach time.

Pretty sights in Hull, MA

Driving around Hull, MA

When we were ready to leave Hull we left with more than just a memory or two, our cooler box was fully stocked, and were we kitted out with a Hull hoodie each.
Next adventure? Boston, MA…

The sunrise was beautiful, but once we got back into bed I was definitely thankful for that. I am in no way shape or form a morning person, however I was happy I made it up to see it and to be able to share the special moment. I will say that Hull was a nice little town and definitely seemed like a great place to live. The people everywhere were very friendly and the Abbotts were easily the best hosts anyone could ask for. 

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