Thursday, August 2, 2012

And a creepy stop…

Another State!

As we drove into Harper’s Ferry I noticed two things no people, and wax figures in all the shop windows. Both of these freaked me out. The town has a very old school feel, like they are trying to reincarnate the ancient days. The shops fronts were very pretty but it’s hard to get pasted the creepy looking wax figures in the windows. But once we managed to find an ice cream shop I warmed up to the town a little.
A brief stop and on to Baltimore, Maryland…after…

Our 5 things we are thankful for today…

1) Nice beach weather
2) my boyfriend taking me to Nando's
3) Weird audio books to fill in after you have listened to too much radio
4) Well timed dairy queen to wake up the driver
5) A good view from the beach to watch the military jets fly formations

West Virginia is one of those states that I would have never visited if it wasn’t for our goal to hit all 50 states someday… We have visited quite a few of these types of states and sometimes we are pleasantly surprised, however West Virginia lived up to its terrible reputation. West Virginia is one of those states that even American’s use as the butt of their joke. 

Harper's Ferry, WV

Full Moon in Harper's Ferry, WV

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