Monday, August 6, 2012

A scary experience…

So after a long drive naturally I need to pee. (Who am I kidding, after a short drive I need to pee too, although I have got better.) I got all my luggage out the boot and we walked to the front desk, he wanted to talk, I wanted to pee.

It took a while, but finally we were headed to our room. I ran passed Tyler and headed to the bathroom not too concerned with the light, since I can pee in the dark. I lifted up the seat and I swear, it made a noise like a snake or something had slithered off the seat. I freaked out! Pants almost down, and hopping around like a frog in the dark, I was half laughing and half screaming. Tyler walked into the room dumbfound and not quite sure what all the commotion was about and not sure what to do about it.

After turning on the light, I realize there was a sanitize strip on the toilet to say it was clean and that’s what the noise was. Heart attack for nothing!

I guess we missed our five things again today…

Our door was the one on the right, ME
Oh boy… so where to start with this story… So yes we arrived in Maine and pulled up to our hotel, which realistically was more of a motel and nothing like the photo that we saw online. It was a creepy little house, with a creepy little man in it that gave us our key and checked us in. Then after getting into the room I just hear a loud scream and hear, “Oh my god there is a snake or something in here!!” … in retrospect I have no idea what I was thinking by running into the bathroom after hearing that, I should have ran the other direction because if there really was a snake I have no idea what I realistically would have done. That being said I went into the bathroom and see Robyn laughing with her pants around her ankles and a strip of paper on the floor that ensured us that the toilet was clean. I shook my head and walked out, that is far too much excitement for me at midnight after 7 hours of driving. 

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