Friday, August 10, 2012

Feels like home, I guess…

We drove through part of it :) (Both have been there before)

We have previously visited Tom and Jena in Ohio before so this stop was more of a catch up on friendship, gossip and sleep more than a sight-seeing stop.

We had a relaxed breakfast together before heading back to Milwaukee. My home away from home.
Along the way we stopped in Indiana somewhere for gas and lunch. Once inside, we ordered our food, *waited a while* and sat down about to start eating when Tyler suddenly realized he had left the car running. He had to run outside in the rain to go turn it off. This was also the coldest day of our vacation, so our Hull hoodies came in use.

The drive was long and relatively uneventful. But I was glad with the company in the car (including werid audio books!)

Road trippin'
I have no idea what I was doing or how I left the keys in the car with the car running as I have never done that before in my life, but I think at that point my head was a little cloudy from all the driving (does anyone else see this as a re-occurring excuse for me being scatter brained?) That being said as we sat down I looked out the window and saw my car with the lights on and thought I had only left the lights on… till I saw the windshield wipers go… whoops.

Our 5 things we are thankful for today…

1) Wonderful friends (Thomas and Jena Kubiak, Geri Abbott and Jennifer Abbott Clark)
2) New friends (Blake Vaden and Megan Harper)
3) Tyler Augustin for putting up with me AND driving *pretty* safely
4) My camera *although it's needs to go to the camera doctor tomorrow*
 5) Braden, Finn and Annabel…for making me feel so welcome when I got home :)
Thank you for reading about our crazy, amazing adventure! The next few posts are things we found funny, interesting and even silly on our trip – enjoy!

Of a GREAT adventure

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