Thursday, August 2, 2012

A wonderful stop…

On the way to Harper’s Ferry we detoured through Washington D.C. I thought it was just cos Tyler had never seen it before. We drove passed the White house and the Washington monument. Then Tyler reminded me that D.C was also the home of a Nandos. So, yes, I got to eat yummy Nandos chicken. Then carried on driving to West Virginia…

I had always heard so much about Nando’s and have never been able to experience it myself. I won’t lie a little bit of curiosity about my nation’s capital was also driving things but I am happy we stopped because Nando’s was amazing. Coming from a picky eater that is a huge compliment.

Many are amazed that I have traveled to so many places and have never seen my nation’s capital. The more I think about it though I don’t really know why Washington D.C. has never intrigued me; now that I have stopped through I will definitely be stopping back at some point though. 

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