Sunday, March 27, 2011

Town of the Indy 500…

Yip, Tyler and I are at it again! Taking off for another random-ish road trip. This time we are headed to Indianapolis, IN.  We got in pretty on the Friday night, so we never got to see much. The Saturday was started with a walk around downtown, there were some really pretty buildings around that I got to photograph.

Downtown on the riverwalk

We also headed to the NCAA (The National Collegiate Athletic Association) which I wasn’t sure about…till I got in there. There were interactive sections where you could try out the sport. I got to throw a football, kick a soccer ball and even try to shoot some hoops. Apparently I’m not designed for most sports, but one day I’ll find something I’m good at.

Tyler playing ball

That night we went to a piano bar called Howling at the Moon. It was my first time at a piano bar, and let me tell you. This place was awesome! The people playing the instruments are really talented and have a great sense of humour. Although I did see how alcohol certainly lubricates the wallet strings. There was a board that you could “buy” a message space on it, so it started at say $5 and went up by $5 every time someone “purchased” it. You can choose to put whatever you wanted on the board, and it stays on the board until someone else “buys” the board. There was a group of fireman, marines and police that were all competing through the board, it got pretty interesting and expensive!

See what I mean?

 The next morning we visited the Indy 500 racetrack. It was pretty amazing to see the track, it’s huge! There is a museum where they have the racecars that have previously been in the race. It was fun to see how much they have changed to become more aerodynamic.

Indy 500

After that we headed back to Milwaukee…only 7 hours away. Home sweet home!

Another state, another road trip!

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