Sunday, March 6, 2011

My last day of awesomeness…in the Bahamas...

Spending time with my family has been amazing, but all good things come to an end. We had a last meal together at the golf club before Merle and I headed towards like airport (with a quick stop at the Daq Shack.)

My wonderful family, thank you for an amazing trip!

Everything went well at the beginning, and while I was trying to clear customs (in Bahamas) I had a problem with my passport and some of my forms.  So I had to wait in a separate room until I could meet with a customs official and we could work everything out. I was literally freaking out as I thought I was going to miss my flight.  Finally after we got everything sorted out I was free to go. I RAN yip RAN down the passage way to get to my gate. As I got to the boarding gate they asked if I was “Robyn” and told me they were about to give my seat away. Then just as we were boarding the last few passengers I was stopped for a “random” bag search. Which means they went through ALL my stuff, on a table set up outside the boarding gate. Lovely! Plus then the lady still lectured me about my sun burn. Robyn FAIL! But alas I made it safely to Milwaukee.

Bahamas...definitely worth the trip!

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