Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tag you’re…hit!

This is my 2nd time playing laser-tag, but every place has a different set up to the next so I was really excited to go try this one. This place was crazy! There were empty “buildings” (probably prefabs) that were all in this warehouse looking room, they had open roofs and basements and you could go in.

Ready for action!
This laser-tag game was also a lot more structured than the first one, we played about 4 different games, like find the briefcase and plant the bomb etc. I mainly just played “try not to die” as this on its own is pretty tricky! We were playing with a bunch of other people that were there, a bunch of kids that were pretty serious and a few marines that even wore camouflage!

Team Kick-a**
Another laser-tag adventure I had at yet another place, was started by a challenge to DDR (dance dance revolution) which by now I have come to terms with the fact that I seriously have no co-ordination skills to play.

Karabo and Tyler having a dance off
Then we headed to the laser-tag room where we paired up (well 3 on each team) and went crazy! There were little walk ways you could hide in, mirrors on the walls to see your target hopefully before they saw you and the room was pretty dark, so this made it a big adventure!

South Africa, Germany x 2, America
South Africa x 2

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