Friday, November 20, 2009

Solo Amigo and Disney fun ...

The next day I decided a trip down to San Diego was in order. Donna dropped me off at the Amtrak (train) station in Anaheim, the trip was about 2 - 3 hours along the most beautiful coastline and a few little places that reminded me of the Indian villages I saw in Goa. I didn't have much time in San Diego (and no I never got to the zoo) but I caught the train to a shopping center that was close by called Fashion Valley. It was really fun just to be in another part of such a beautiful state. I could see I was close to Mexico as there were a lot more Mexican people there! Donna made me promise that I wouldn't go across the border, and my host dad Dave warned that if I did they would never let me back and I’d be stuck surfing and swimming in a sea of Tequila forever…I still don’t see the problem with that though?

On the train on my way to San Diego, CA
I arrived back at Anaheim at about 8 that night, Donna fetched me and took me to downtown Disney, and it was really pretty and started to get me all excited for my Florida trip to Disney! She introduced me to the most amazing make-up shop in the world; needless to say we spend over an hour there! It is set up really well as they encourage you to try on the make-up before you buy it, so there are mirrors everywhere, and little shelves with ear buds (cue tips), make-up sponges, application brushes and make-up remover. After finding the cutest eye shadow kit and a natural foundation I was set!

Shopping :)

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