Wednesday, November 18, 2009

California Dreamin'...

My flight was super early in the morning, which I was only partly happy about! We all know I am NOT a morning person! I had a really good flight, flying over the Colorado snow capped mountains as well as the rocky Grand Canyon! I kept asking people where we were (as in what State we were flying over) most people looked at me like what are you talking about and does it even matter?

Flight over the States, so beautiful!
After arriving in LAX (felt so Hollywood!) Donna came to fetch me. (Some background: Donna is Richard (my step-dad’s) sister Caroline’s best friend) She had graciously offered to house me for the entire week, which was such a relief to me! The first few hours were spent driving around the O.C and just exploring, we later drove down to Laguna Beach and then Newport. As the sun was setting over the sea, I couldn’t help but think of my 2 months in India and all the wonderful sunsets we saw there! It was really amazing!

The view of Newport Beach
That night we went to Taco Surf which is just a chilled bar/restaurant. It was really fun to hang out wearing only one layer of clothing as opposed to the 2 layers that have become standard Wisconsin weather protection!
Donna and I at Taco Surf...with GIANT margaritas

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