Thursday, November 19, 2009

Long walk to ... a beautiful sunset...

Day two I was solo amigo as Donna had to work. I was very ambitious and decided to walk from Seal Beach all the way to Huntington Beach…which seemed like a good idea at the time! It was a really beautiful walk and I took so many lovely beach pictures, it was so amazing to see the palm trees!

On route to Huntington Beach, CA
I ended up at Huntington Beach (which is aka Surf City USA) just before sunset, so I got to see another beautiful sunset! Donna fetched me from there, and we went out for Sushi. Yummy! Later Donna’s eldest son Dan and his room-mate Andrew took me to the two Irish pubs in Seal Beach (which just happen to be right across from each other.) Later that night when I googled my route I was shocked to find out that I had walked about 10 miles, okay so I didn’t run it, it was more like a ½ day stroll, but I was impressed with myself!

Beautiful sunset on Huntington, CA

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