Sunday, November 22, 2009

Going to the Getty…

The next morning however it was not so easy to function at my normal pace this was greatly attributed not to drinking but to lack of sleep! Donna and I had already set out my last few days so we already had plans, the Getty Art Museum. I have to admit though lack of sleep makes my head a little fuzzy so I was feeling much happier after my third cup of coffee! The museum is up on the hill, so you park your car in a garage then you catch a train/subway up the hill to the museum. The museum is the most beautiful place I have been too! It is like a hidden paradise, I mean it’s pretty close to the big city life yet it is so secluded. There is the most amazing labyrinth made of hedges, but unfortunately you can’t walk through it as it is filled with water. There was an episode of America’s Next Top Model where they filmed at the Getty Museum. I saw some lovely art works there but my favourite by far was “Spring” by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, firstly the colours are vibrant and brilliant, but the best thing about it is the detail in the painting!

That night we went to a lovely couple (Andee and Rich) for dinner, it was the home cooked meal I was craving! It had everything, salad, meat, veggies! Yum Yum! Oh yeah that night was also the night I saw my first skunk. I was a little scared, I had just stepped outside to take a call when I walked to the end of the cul-de-sac (like two houses down) and while talking I realized there was this creature thing running to everyone’s front doors, I thought it was a cat or something…then I realized it wasn’t! So I told my friend, he thought it was VERY funny, but kept saying don’t touch it, yeah thanks good advice! I was a little worried it was going to run after me, because I would have been trapped in the cul-de-sac! Luckily the skunk decided for whatever reason he needed to be running the opposite direction to me, hey wait…do you think he was trying to tell me something?


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