Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Venice and understanding football games…

My 4th day in CA was spent exploring the surroundings again, this time picking the NW shores. There are buses that go to all the areas I was going but I wanted to walk it explore the area better, and decided I would take the bus home. People here are only not in their cars if they are excising so they have serious work out kit on and they are moving…not wearing flip flops, a lost expression and waving a camera at anything that moves, so it goes without saying people in So Cal (South California) were looking at me a little strangely!

With sights like this to see, how can you not be snap happy?

I walked to a place called Naples which is so beautiful it’s a little town that has bridges everywhere and little water ways with boats. Very cute! I continued onto Belmont shore which had a few shops along the main road, even a shop called Riley, (that’s my youngest sister’s name) Then I walked back along the beach 'til I got to Naples where I caught the bus on what I thought would be a short trip home, turns out…it wasn't! I told the bus driver where I needed to get off and asked him to tell me where it is, so either he forgot or just didn’t understand me, but I saw another part of the town I didn’t realize I was going to see. Then the bus came to a stop and he said this is the last stop, then I saw the light flick on and he realized what had happened, so he offered to let me stay on the bus and promised to tell me where my stop was!

Naples, CA
That night Kevin (Donna’s youngest son) had a football game. It was the final in the Rooster bowl. 

Kevin and I after the game
Without going into any details, A; because I don’t really understand the game and B; ‘cos I honestly can’t remember any intelligent things to comment on that happened in the game, other than the fact that they won their game! It was really exciting to watch although poor Dan who got stuck sitting next to me had to try explain what was happening while still trying to watch the game (Dan played Pack10 football for his collage…so he knows about the game!) when he left for work mid-game I found myself next a teacher that had taught both Kevin and Dan and he explained a little more in teacher terms what was happening. That night a celebration was in order, so we all headed down to a place called Beachfront. An awesome night was had by all!

Celebrating at the Beachfront Grill and Bar, CA

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