Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just say yes already…Part 4

I look at him and my brain goes into overdrive there are questions to be asked before this question can be answered (still haven’t looked at the ring.)
“Did you ask my dad?”
“What did he say?”
“He said yes.”
“When did you speak to him?”
“The other day.”
“Did you ask my mom?”
“What did she say?”
“It’s about time.”
“When did you speak to her?”
“The other day?”
“Did you even look at the ring?”
“No, not yet. Whoa!”
“So it that a yes? Can you answer the question?”
I notice at this point he is shaking like a leaf, and since he is balanced on one knee I am pretty sure he is going to fall over if I don’t answer soon.
*Pause for dramatic effect*
“Yes…did you really think I was going to say no?”
“I hoped not.”
Then, “Did you pick the ring yourself?”
“Good choice”

So after the longest 15 minutes of my life building up to the whole “pre-question show” I then was faced with the longest 5 minutes of my life where she asked question after question and did everything except for answer the question that I asked first… Although given the way our relationship began and has gone it is only fitting that I had to wait. 

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