Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just say yes already…Part 2

Yes, I know I am frustrating. This is called suspense...

I suppose I should tell you why we were looking at a car. After many hours of searching alternatives Dave, Amanda and I figured out that next semester (Fall 2013, which is in August/September) our schedules clash-big Time. Every free moment I have from school, when I would be able to work the kids are in school, and every moment the kids need me, I am in school. I can’t change classes or school since I am so close to being done. The kids can’t change schools since their school is amazing and that would be totally unfair to them. So we began to realize the inevitable after four years, they would need a new nanny and I would begin to remember what a time before I felt like mommy extra felt like. Scary!

I agreed to stay over the Summer since that still works out for both sides. However Tyler moved into a new place at the start of Summer, so we decided since I would have to move out anyway, why not do it in the Summer before my mommy came anyway. Hence the need for a car.

Update: I love our new place and will post pictures after I clean it up enough for my mom’s visit. Living with Tyler has been an interesting adventure, which I will posted about later on for sure. Dave and Amanda have found a new au pair who will arrive in the last week of August. She seems really nice and I think she will be a good fit! She is from Mexico.

I don’t have much to say here, what she posted is pretty much the whole story… that said I cannot wait for the post on why it’s interesting to live with me… 

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