Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just say yes already…Part 1

For those of you that have long anticipated this and had to comb through Facebook posts trying to find the ‘the story’…here it is…
Tyler and I had spent a wonderful day car shopping. And by wonderful I mean terrible. I have never gone through the circus act that is car shopping. Thankfully Tyler knows it well. It’s basically a cat and mouse game. The short version of the story is the lady who was helping us was pretty clueless and just trying to push any car we looked at on us. She suggested a Kia Sol, which Tyler commented was “an ugly looking car”, to which she responded “that’s what I drive”.  To of course there is no response unless you really want to offend some people.
The Kia Sol
After the back and forth game Tyler decided it was time to push the ball into their court and leave. After all we weren’t desperate for the car that day (or even month). So as the story goes they called us back with a much better offer and after a little more negotiating Tyler and the Manager (I think our original lady realized that she wasn’t going to  get through Tyler’s years of car buying experience) settled on a great deal and the car now belongs to us.
And this is my baby...Pookie (haha)

Car buying in America is one of the most annoying experiences known to man, that said I must be a gluten for punishment because I have done it more than enough times. I have seen all the games they play and have had every card thrown at me. That makes it a less fun game for the car sales person as often times it results in me getting annoyed and walking out. That said this sales rep was particularly annoying and refused to quit playing games so we went directly to the general manager of the shop and he was much better to work with and realized quickly I didn’t want to mess around and we came to a deal much faster. 

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