Monday, January 2, 2012

Strange warnings and lost shoes…

The morning was filled with shopping, not too much to write home about however…


In the afternoon we planned to meet up with my parents at a rock pool in Margate. We drove to the spot and got ready to cross the rocks. The tide was coming in, but I trust my parents so I started to cross. Tyler goes “what are you doing?” (Note: I am walking into waist deep water and waves are crashing around us.) These two Indian guys fishing, standing close by on the rocks shouted across “no, don’t do that…you’ll never come back” At this point Rebecca and I have both climbed across the water path and are on the other side rocks (helped out by my mother), Tyler looks at me and says “are you sure?” I can see he is assessing the situation and assessing my mental state of mind. I replied “come one already!” With that he decided to go with it. Finally we were all (Tamara included) on the rock pool side of the water path.

Path coming back from the rock pool

Yes… this was a bit of an adventure, the South Africans all headed onto these jagged rocks with huge waves like it was no big deal… after exchanging looks with Tamara and her asking, “are you sure?” I responded, “not at all” and I headed towards the rock pool despite my new found Indian friends warnings. Truth be told of this whole event there wasn’t a chance that I was going to stay back, not because I am a brave, daring, strong man… but because I wouldn’t be able to stand the taunting of my girlfriend calling me a baby for the rest of my life.

Rock pool

It was lovely swimming in our own secluded rock pool. We also found a few cushion stars, as well as some brilliantly coloured anemones.

Starfish...and us :)

On the way across the rocks Tyler dropped one of his flip flops, he was about to throw the remaining one away into the sea. I told him the sea will send it back (another time he looked at me and seems to enquire about my mental state…oh boy) However on our way back to the beach, one of the fisherman told us it had come back and he had it.

Girly girls!

I wasn’t going to say I told you so, but by the look he gave me, I knew he knew. We took some fun pictures on the beach after we made it back.

Fun friends

The rock pool swimming was amazing, a once in a lifetime experience. As for the sandal incident, while she didn’t say, “I told you so” straight forward, she came up and gave me that smile and said, “I’m not going to say it” … which pretty much says it all… that being said, she was right. (Yes I put that in writing, so save this, because you might never see it again) J

I love this picture!

The night ended with a game of 30 seconds which was greatly rigged in a certain teams favour… My mom and her husband of 19 (I think?) years, a foreigner and a teenager and a second language foreigner and her best friend. Try explaining Pep, the Voortrekker monument or Jan Spies to someone from another country…hmmm

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