Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The day of water adventures…

Today we are going whitewater rafting. The fearsome foursome, at it again! We arrived at Oribi Gorge, just in time to get ready to float (haha) down the river. But first we need to get our life jackets and helmets, make a stop at the pay station, and then head down to the river. The trip down seemed to take forever! Stuck in the back of a bakkie where these bugs keep flying in. By the time we arrived there were a few squashed on the roof, and we were ready to get out of there.

Before we boarded the raft Tamara and I decided to take a pee break (*sorry that you have to keep hearing my pee stories…but I promise one is good!) We agreed that in front of the bakkie cover on one side by a mountain and the other side by dense bush would be the best place to go. So, we positioned, squatted and then Tamara started freaking out…imagine a jumping, screaming German with her cozzie around her ankle. That’s what I saw! I was waiting for the guys to come running to see what the matter was, but they made enough sense to stay away, so it was just me there to take in this interesting sight. The reason you was going crazy were the same bugs that we had flying in the bakkie with us. After we finally finished our business we headed to the raft and were briefed and safety procedures.

We were warned that in the event of some rapids the best thing to do is jump in the raft; however this is only the case when the instructor shouts “Inside”. The other commands were “strong left” (or right) and…hmm I can’t remember the others, useful huh? Anyway Tyler and I were each in the front, Rebecca behind me and Tamara behind Tyler. We were having a great time, about to go over this one big rapid when out the corner of my eye I see Rebecca jump into the center of the boat. I realize that as I am in the front of the raft, I may not be able to hear the instructions; at that point Tamara launched herself into the raft. So, I went with it, into the boat! We came out of the rapid and turned to look at Tyler and our instructor, who were still firmly place on their sides of the boat…oops!

Another notable moment is when Tyler trying to steady himself (or so he says) grabbed on to Tamara’s hand. Of course she turned around and asked him why he was holding her hand…I was more focused on the rhyme and timing of my rowing.

Whitewater rafting was an amazing adventure, and going through the Oribi Gorge was so beautiful. The whole day was really neat seeing the whole area, it just added to my theory that South Africa has one of the most beautiful countryside’s. I am not sure that we were the most dependable rafting crew as we failed at following orders on multiple occasions, but our instructor was a nice enough guy to put up with our singing and other shenanigans. As for the notable moment of me trying to steady myself, I am not really sure why Tamara’s hand was in the middle portion of the boat, but I was looking the other direction and just looking for somewhere to drop my hand, unfortunately that was on top of her hand, which led to the fantastically awkward moment J

Oribi Gorge

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