Monday, January 9, 2012

Rayson time…

My brother had spent 3 weeks travelling around Malaysia and Thailand so I hadn’t seen him since I left in June 2009. I was sooooo excited to finally see him again, even if it was just for a day. After much anticipation he finally walked through the terminal and I run (déjà vu of the moment Tamara arrived) and gave him big hugs!!!

Siblings together again at last!

We went back to my dad’s house where we swam, and he washed off the long hours of travelling. Then we had a family dinner, family Christmas (I’m think I’m going on my 6th celebration by this point) and lastly family photos…lots of fun!

Great Book! Great Gift!

Rayson stayed over for the night, but had to be at work early the next morning. I’m such a dedicated sister that I woke up (at 5am, even without tea) so I could go with Jean to drive him to work. I’m not a morning person, as we all know, however the chance to spend a few more hours with my brother…definitely worth giving up a few hours of sleep for.

Just one of the many reasons I love my family...

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