Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just my luck…thanks Pres…

Straight after the show I headed back to my surrogate home in Murray Hill so collect my stuff and thank Heidi for her hospitality…and to give her house key back. So I no longer feel like I “own” a piece of NYC property, but that’s okay after a subway and a bus ride I ended up at La Guardia airport ready to meet Karabo and Tyler and since I had left my phone in Milwaukee I was going old school and hoping that everything would work out…of course it didn't!

The world sculpture,  NYC

Mr Obama was flying into New York that day which means that all flights into NYC are either delayed or cancelled; none of these options suit me! And of course I don’t know this so I’m walking around the airport looking for them wondering why they’re aren’t waiting for me at baggage claim, ‘til I eventually borrow someone’s smart phone check my Facebook and email and discover their new estimated arrival time is 3am … or a cancelled flight. I headed to the hotel in the hopes that my friends would be joining me very soon.

The Statue of Liberty, NYC

Thank goodness they managed to make it to New York very early that next morning, and with a 6am wakeup call we realized we had less than 3 hours to sleep before heading to Niagara. Instead of using this time to power nap, we used it to catch up (probably a move we will regret tomorrow!)

Sunnyside of New York, NYC

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