Friday, June 24, 2011

Joining Cindy’s family…

Beep! Beep! Beep! Ugh, 6am wake-up call and I already regretting the late night chats with Karabo.  But then I remembered we are about to start our Niagara adventure, and I started jumping around like a little kid. We had to meet our tour company at 7am and I had worked everything out to ensure we would arrive in time and not miss the tour, however I never factored in that our tour guide was Chinese (maybe Mandarin?) so all the instructions given were foreign, which almost lead us to miss our bus. Luckily we worked it all out and were seated on our bus, in time.

Time to...catch up some sleep

Our tour guide went on to tell us that for the next 2 days we would be a part of “Cindy family.” Then she briefly explained that we would make frequent stops to avoiding using the bathroom on board (which sits on the engine, heats up and “smell very bad after two day”) then she converted to Mandarin and translated what I assumed was the message she had just relayed to us to the other 20 or so passengers on the bus. And with that we were off…

Ready for our trip!

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