Monday, June 20, 2011

Getting to know the TSA officers…well…

Waking up early is not my strong point...I think we have firmly established that by now, so we are not going to beat a dead horse on that one. However my lack of directions may need to be revisited...once I finally get to DC.

The White House

So early flight, bags are packed, security should be easy until...I get pulled over cos
A. not all my liquids are in one clear plastic bag but rather in two
B. my sweater was on top of 'my' (actually my friend Nina's) laptop, which makes the image fuzzy and
C. cos my bag caused the machine to go off

These three things mean that I …

A. get to watch a TSA officer go through my luggage *underwear included*
B. get to try re-pack said luggage while listening to safety rules
C. discover that my make-up bag set off the machine *so now it needs to be swabbed* and
D. get a friendly pat down (up, down, sideways, down) from a friendly TSA officer...

Jefferson Memorial

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