Friday, December 25, 2009

My 1st White Christmas…

Most people have asked me if I had a white Christmas…the answer is yes! (But technically we cheated) Dave (my host dad) was on call on Christmas day so we just moved everything up by one day, so we opened presents on the morning of the 24th, while it was snowing outside, aww!

Making snow angels

Keeping with tradition Dave and Amanda said the kids could each open a present on Christmas eve, so Amanda found one for Annabel, then asked Dave where mine was, to which he replied “she’s not a kid, she’s an adult” and Amanda said “no she’s is like our 4th child” It was really sweet! I told Dave that’s why they are my host-parents! So they let me open a present, a bright pink snuggli (not sure if they are big in SA? But basically it’s a blanket with sleeves) Now when I sit on my pink chair and watch tv I have a pink snuggli to keep me warm!

AJ and I snuggling on my new snuggli

The next day was lots of fun, I love Christmas! My host parents really made me feel very special! Later that morning we all went outside and played in the snow! We had an awesome fillet mignon for Christmas lunch, a far cry from a tradition SA style braai (BBQ/grill) but I can’t imagine trying that outside in the snow! Although I have to admit, I have seen people trying it!

Our beautiful Christmas tree

I’m going to stop there but will let you know I had an awesome New Years Eve with my Swedish and Colombian friends! We went out and just had a good time, I was DD (driver, not drinker) so I had a good sober time, but hey you can party without alcohol and have just as much fun (plus having no hangover the next morning, is an added bonus!)

New Years at the Safe House, WI

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Big Decisions…

My next big thing is…a big decision, I have to decide in month’s time whether I want to extend with my same family or whether I would like to re-match with another family (two of my friends have already had their families offer to ‘take’ me.) I love my current family and really enjoy Wisconsin, I have a really awesome room, and I get along well with my host family and love the children… However I would also like to see more of the country, but I can do that from here. I’m a little worried if I re-match and get a family from hell and that will taint my whole au pair experience as I will spend the next weeks in re-match trying to find another new family. Plus I know my host family at present is going to New Jersey again next year and to Boston in July. I’m just not sure, and I can’t look at what families are out there until I have told my family I want a re-match. Well just anyone’s thoughts on this would really help, even though ultimately it’s my choice, I want to be able to blame someone else (ha ha) …so please tell me what you think…

Skyping with my family (this pic is just for you dad :)
Yip, that's my confused face...
Oh wait you are taking pics, okay I'll smile :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My first Turkey Day…

The 26th of November was Thanksgiving Day which in America is basically a big excuse to eat, drink and be merry. With my host mom being a vegetarian I was a little worried about how that would affect my first American Thanksgiving experience, but Dave who was not going to let that happen, cooked a big fat turkey (for two of us, hey I would have settled for turkey sandwiches) We had a lovely but small celebration. Annabel when asked what she was thankful for happily replied “Scrambled eggs” ha ha aren’t 3 year olds cute?

AJ and I at the Thanksgiving day table
The other day she asked me “Robyn, where you live in AFRICA (yes the emphasis was on the word Africa) it’s like a zoo there, right?…” And that was it, I have no idea where it came from or why, but I suppose it is true!

Braden, AJ and Finn...fall family photo
That is my little American adventure up until end of November o9, although there is just one more bit I want to add… I got stopped by the cops - for going through a red light! Argh, can you believe I’m such an idiot? I never even saw the light, but the cop saw me so he pulled me over and started questioning me… this is how is basically how it went down…

Cop: “Ma’me, you just went through a red light”
Me: “Seriously?” *very confused look on face*
Cop: “Yes, is this your car?”
Me: “No, it’s my host parents car” *heart beating profusely*
Cop: “Your HOST parents?”
Me: “Yes, I’m not from this country. Where was the traffic light?” *fight urge to call it a robot*
Cop: “Can I see your license?” *after explaining where the traffic light was*
Me: “Sure” *trying to smile my ‘please don’t give me a fine’ smile*
Cop: “I’ll be right back”
          “Are you host parents form Pennsylvania?”
Me: “Originally yes” *by now I have decided if his pen touches the piece of paper in his hand I’m going to turn on the water works, I know what you thinking guys “Crying is blackmail” we know it is, but having so many emotions has to have some perks right?*
Cop: “Okay, well please tell them their license plates have expired”
Me: “They have?!”
Cop: “Yes in March”
Me: “I’ll tell them, I’m so sorry”
Cop: “Its okay, just drive carefully, and have a good night”
Me: “Thank you, you too” (Did that just really happen?, and no fine? Shoo, got to look out for sneaky traffic lights)

Intergrating? ... Maybe...
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back to Milwaukee…from a wonderful vacation…

Tuesday morning was an early morning wakeup call (yes mom, I consider 5am early!) Only to get to the airport to discover not only can I not find my e-ticket but I have also chosen the wrong terminal. I had to literally fly around the airport from terminal 1 trying to find not 2 or 3 but 7-the last terminal! After finally finding the right terminal and checking myself in, I had to wait in the security check lines, which if you have ever had to travel in the States, you know it’s serious business! I got half way through the lines before I started to freak out realizing I had 10 minutes to make it through and board my plane, so I asked a lady if I could move to the front of the line, she not only moved me to the front she called one of those golf cart things to come and fetch me to take me to my boarding gate! People were just starting at me, with my big sunglasses, funny accent and special treatment…I felt very Hollywood - just for a moment! Finally in my seat I was glad to discover I was not the last to board the plane! My connecting flight was in Vegas, the airport is just filled with slot machines, and it’s actually quite a pretty airport.

Vegas airport...I hope to see you again...soon!

Finally back in Milwaukee I was welcomed by rain and 45F (7.2C) which at the time I thought was tragic…how opinions can change!

Hmmm...Milwaukee I think I love you...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Meeting famous people…

This morning was by far my best and worst morning, today was Hollywood day, but it also meant it was my last day of my CA vacation. We started the Hollywood experience by walking the “Walk of Fame” and of course taking cheesy pictures of the stars we like, next we saw part of the wax museum, outside were Snopp Dogg and Samuel L Jackson.

Donna, Snoop Dogg and I chilling in Hollywood, CA
I also posed for pictures with Batman and Jack Sparrow. Later I found Marilyn Monroe’s handprints (which are virtually the same size as mine) and feet prints (which are ridiculously small!) and her wax figure so we had fun taking pictures with her.

Marilyn Manroe and I in Hollywood, CA

Then we went a ‘tour of the stars homes’ which was pretty fun, if you were riding in a topless van in South Africa you know you’re on a safari and are looking for animals, however in Hollywood you are looking at where famous people live, puts things in perspective doesn’t it? We saw Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills and later went to Santa Monica Boulevard, where we were tipped off to a Lady Gaga signing, Donna being the fun lady she is said “do you want to go?” bearing in mind we weren’t even sure exactly where we were going…but we had a GPS.

I promise that is Lady Gaga!

We decided to just go for it, after maybe 30 mins or more of getting lost, driving in circles and lots of laughter we found the Best Buy where she was signing cd’s. The queue was totally crazy and it was pretty hard to get close to her, but we did catch a glimpse or two of her, so that was really fun! When we finally said goodbye to Hollywood and all its dreams we headed back to say goodbye to the boys and thank them for everything. The rest of the night was spent packing my bags; it’s amazing how nothing ever fits on the way home!

With the Hollywood Sign

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Going to the Getty…

The next morning however it was not so easy to function at my normal pace this was greatly attributed not to drinking but to lack of sleep! Donna and I had already set out my last few days so we already had plans, the Getty Art Museum. I have to admit though lack of sleep makes my head a little fuzzy so I was feeling much happier after my third cup of coffee! The museum is up on the hill, so you park your car in a garage then you catch a train/subway up the hill to the museum. The museum is the most beautiful place I have been too! It is like a hidden paradise, I mean it’s pretty close to the big city life yet it is so secluded. There is the most amazing labyrinth made of hedges, but unfortunately you can’t walk through it as it is filled with water. There was an episode of America’s Next Top Model where they filmed at the Getty Museum. I saw some lovely art works there but my favourite by far was “Spring” by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, firstly the colours are vibrant and brilliant, but the best thing about it is the detail in the painting!

That night we went to a lovely couple (Andee and Rich) for dinner, it was the home cooked meal I was craving! It had everything, salad, meat, veggies! Yum Yum! Oh yeah that night was also the night I saw my first skunk. I was a little scared, I had just stepped outside to take a call when I walked to the end of the cul-de-sac (like two houses down) and while talking I realized there was this creature thing running to everyone’s front doors, I thought it was a cat or something…then I realized it wasn’t! So I told my friend, he thought it was VERY funny, but kept saying don’t touch it, yeah thanks good advice! I was a little worried it was going to run after me, because I would have been trapped in the cul-de-sac! Luckily the skunk decided for whatever reason he needed to be running the opposite direction to me, hey wait…do you think he was trying to tell me something?


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Venice and understanding football games…

My 4th day in CA was spent exploring the surroundings again, this time picking the NW shores. There are buses that go to all the areas I was going but I wanted to walk it explore the area better, and decided I would take the bus home. People here are only not in their cars if they are excising so they have serious work out kit on and they are moving…not wearing flip flops, a lost expression and waving a camera at anything that moves, so it goes without saying people in So Cal (South California) were looking at me a little strangely!

With sights like this to see, how can you not be snap happy?

I walked to a place called Naples which is so beautiful it’s a little town that has bridges everywhere and little water ways with boats. Very cute! I continued onto Belmont shore which had a few shops along the main road, even a shop called Riley, (that’s my youngest sister’s name) Then I walked back along the beach 'til I got to Naples where I caught the bus on what I thought would be a short trip home, turns out…it wasn't! I told the bus driver where I needed to get off and asked him to tell me where it is, so either he forgot or just didn’t understand me, but I saw another part of the town I didn’t realize I was going to see. Then the bus came to a stop and he said this is the last stop, then I saw the light flick on and he realized what had happened, so he offered to let me stay on the bus and promised to tell me where my stop was!

Naples, CA
That night Kevin (Donna’s youngest son) had a football game. It was the final in the Rooster bowl. 

Kevin and I after the game
Without going into any details, A; because I don’t really understand the game and B; ‘cos I honestly can’t remember any intelligent things to comment on that happened in the game, other than the fact that they won their game! It was really exciting to watch although poor Dan who got stuck sitting next to me had to try explain what was happening while still trying to watch the game (Dan played Pack10 football for his collage…so he knows about the game!) when he left for work mid-game I found myself next a teacher that had taught both Kevin and Dan and he explained a little more in teacher terms what was happening. That night a celebration was in order, so we all headed down to a place called Beachfront. An awesome night was had by all!

Celebrating at the Beachfront Grill and Bar, CA

Friday, November 20, 2009

Solo Amigo and Disney fun ...

The next day I decided a trip down to San Diego was in order. Donna dropped me off at the Amtrak (train) station in Anaheim, the trip was about 2 - 3 hours along the most beautiful coastline and a few little places that reminded me of the Indian villages I saw in Goa. I didn't have much time in San Diego (and no I never got to the zoo) but I caught the train to a shopping center that was close by called Fashion Valley. It was really fun just to be in another part of such a beautiful state. I could see I was close to Mexico as there were a lot more Mexican people there! Donna made me promise that I wouldn't go across the border, and my host dad Dave warned that if I did they would never let me back and I’d be stuck surfing and swimming in a sea of Tequila forever…I still don’t see the problem with that though?

On the train on my way to San Diego, CA
I arrived back at Anaheim at about 8 that night, Donna fetched me and took me to downtown Disney, and it was really pretty and started to get me all excited for my Florida trip to Disney! She introduced me to the most amazing make-up shop in the world; needless to say we spend over an hour there! It is set up really well as they encourage you to try on the make-up before you buy it, so there are mirrors everywhere, and little shelves with ear buds (cue tips), make-up sponges, application brushes and make-up remover. After finding the cutest eye shadow kit and a natural foundation I was set!

Shopping :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Long walk to ... a beautiful sunset...

Day two I was solo amigo as Donna had to work. I was very ambitious and decided to walk from Seal Beach all the way to Huntington Beach…which seemed like a good idea at the time! It was a really beautiful walk and I took so many lovely beach pictures, it was so amazing to see the palm trees!

On route to Huntington Beach, CA
I ended up at Huntington Beach (which is aka Surf City USA) just before sunset, so I got to see another beautiful sunset! Donna fetched me from there, and we went out for Sushi. Yummy! Later Donna’s eldest son Dan and his room-mate Andrew took me to the two Irish pubs in Seal Beach (which just happen to be right across from each other.) Later that night when I googled my route I was shocked to find out that I had walked about 10 miles, okay so I didn’t run it, it was more like a ½ day stroll, but I was impressed with myself!

Beautiful sunset on Huntington, CA

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

California Dreamin'...

My flight was super early in the morning, which I was only partly happy about! We all know I am NOT a morning person! I had a really good flight, flying over the Colorado snow capped mountains as well as the rocky Grand Canyon! I kept asking people where we were (as in what State we were flying over) most people looked at me like what are you talking about and does it even matter?

Flight over the States, so beautiful!
After arriving in LAX (felt so Hollywood!) Donna came to fetch me. (Some background: Donna is Richard (my step-dad’s) sister Caroline’s best friend) She had graciously offered to house me for the entire week, which was such a relief to me! The first few hours were spent driving around the O.C and just exploring, we later drove down to Laguna Beach and then Newport. As the sun was setting over the sea, I couldn’t help but think of my 2 months in India and all the wonderful sunsets we saw there! It was really amazing!

The view of Newport Beach
That night we went to Taco Surf which is just a chilled bar/restaurant. It was really fun to hang out wearing only one layer of clothing as opposed to the 2 layers that have become standard Wisconsin weather protection!
Donna and I at Taco Surf...with GIANT margaritas

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It’s like taking candy from a baby…

Annabel had her 3rd birthday on the 30th of October, so we were baking cupcakes and muffins for 3 days before. The school is every strict about what you are allowed to send to school for parties, so the cupcakes were for home J We let Annabel decorate half of them…BIG mistake! Have you ever seen a 3 year old in charge of icing, sprinkles and cupcakes? In the end it was voted (mainly by me) that Annabel decorated cupcakes were to be consumed by family only as I cannot guarantee how much little girl spit and fingers ended up on them!

Braden, AJ and Finn looking as cute as ever!
The next day was Halloween which as you know is a big deal here, so Annabel dressed up as a pink princess, Braden as an elephant and Finn as a lion (my little bush babies ha ha) and true to their characters Annabel pranced around in her silver little girl heels, Braden sat with his big cheeks, blowing bubbles and chilling and Finn cried like a fierce lion! Dave had a halo alice band on while blonde haired Amanda wore a pitch black wig! I dressed as Robin (in the) hood, and had on tights and a bow and arrow set. 

Princess Annabel 
Lion *Finn* and Elephant *Braden*
We went trick or treating which was really fun (although do I need to mention again…cold) After walking one block we decided that it was too cold for the boys to be out, after a few more blocks Dave decided to re-join us with some wine, not quiet OBS but hey, when it’s that cold - does it matter? Once we had finished our drinks and our hands were moments from falling off we headed home, but this girl was not satisfied with the candy collecting ability of a 3 year old decided to head out alone, but knowing that it may look a little weird I figured I had to join up with some youngens so I would look like the caring big sister… So I walked outside and saw a group of 3 like 12 year olds (a tooth fairy, hippie boy and sumo wrestler) and ran after them, and laid out the plan they had to come with me…at first they thought I was crazy but in the end it was pretty fun, every time they walked past a house I was like “hey wait we didn’t go there yet!” After walking a block or two I bid farewell to my surrogate brothers and I headed home. It was more for the experience than the candy, and it was pretty fun!

My cute little candy collecting container

The girls (my au pair friends) and I headed out that night to a place called Buckheads, it kind of reminds me of Tavern J We had a really good night meet some crazy characters! Then to top it all off, we were going into to daylight savings time, so I was getting so confused about what the real time was!

The witch *Rieke*, German girl *Nadine*, Robin hood *me*, Horror Cleopatra *Tamara*, Pippi longstockings *Anna*  
The Sunday November 1st , meant waking up early (after a late Halloween night) because my host mom was called back to Philadelphia to testify in a court case. They paid for her and I and the boys to fly to Philly and for our hotel for 3 days. Amanda’s parents live in New Jersey which is pretty close so they drove up every day to see the boys which gave me some time off to explore the city. 

The Sylvester Stallone Statue by the Art Museum, PA
The World (meaning America and Canada ha ha) Baseball Series was going on and the Phillies were in the final against the New York Yankees. (They play up to seven games, but it is the first team to win 4 games that takes the series…I think that’s how it works?) Well the atmosphere was really fun because of the hype around the games, unfortunately the Yankees won the series, but we were already back in Milwaukee by then.

The boys and I at L.O.V.E Park, PA
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

Monday, October 19, 2009

Windy city ... take two ...

My next few weeks were kind of just relaxed, which was a nice change! So after my first “fun-filled” Chicago experience, I heard that a few other girls were thinking of traveling there…I jumped at the opportunity to go back! Early on Saturday morning 5 of us girls were Chicago bound…we arrived there at 8am after taking a 2hour bus trip, our day started with the Shedd Aquarium which was truly amazing! (we saw a 4D show called our planet) Next we visited Field’s museum where we saw “Sue” the T-rex, lots of artifacts and even a taxi-cut out for the Africa display.

African taxi...slightly different from a NYC taxi

Next on our self-guided tour of the Windy city was the Adler Planetarium where we saw 2 movies about space one of which was a children’s movie (the better of the two) and one that was shown on a dome shaped roof! (wow!) Our next stop was the Willis Tower (aka the Skydeck or Sears Tower) which has the most amazing view of Chicago from 103 stories up. After taking way to many photos of the same thing, meeting new people and watching a proposal we decided that it was officially home (well hotel) time. Back safely in our room we showered, changed, ate and…zzzzzz

Rieke, Nadine, Tamara, Fernanda and I in the Willis Tower viewing window
Rise and shine on day two (and final day in Chicago) we caught the metro into Chicago as the hotel we stayed at was in a suburban of Chicago and not downtown (that’s traveling on a budget I guess) At this point I would like to point out that I armed with a map and computer researched metro colours and bus numbers managed to get us to all these wonderful places…without getting lost! (Ha, so much for being directionally challenged!)

Posing with the statues...
The day began with Dunkin Donut breakfast at Millennium park (which is where the ‘Bean’ aka Cloud gate is) then we headed to Navy pier, where we meet some crazy people! (Lots of pirates walking around and people on mechanical chairs that were kind of freaky) We decided that we had to check out Chinatown, so that was our next stop…after eating at a super cute Vietnamese restaurant we started to head back to Union station where our bus would fetch us and end our magical Chicago weekend! But what a weekend we had!

All the girls at Navy Pier

Loving Chicago (taken at Navy Pier)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pickin' dem apples ...

As you can all see or read I am having a great American adventure, living the America dream if you like. I hope you are enjoying reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

Milwaukee nature shot

My next great American adventures began in…well our backyard! It’s fall at the moment which a month ago meant all the leaves are turning gorgeous hues of red, yellow and gold. Unfortunately now it means the trees are bare and no longer cloaked in glorious shades, and there are a lot of messy backyards that need to be raked. I think it’s so cool, well I thought! My host mom and dad decided to enjoy the full American experience I needed to rake leaves and make scarecrows. We had to rake up all the leaves and then we stuffed them in Dave’s old (doctor scrubs) clothing, then we added masks so we had a werewolf/doctor and an old man in funny pj’s on our front porch. I think I’m a pretty good leaf rake-er unfortunately it’s a thankless job, because there’s always more leaves!

AJ and I in the leaf pile
Coupled with scarecrow building, apple picking is another fall activity that we shared. What fun! We drove to this farm (Elegant farm) where there was a big red barn with a smiley face on it. Knowing that we were “roughing” it on a farm I wore pigtail plaits and a checked shirt with bomber jacket, feeling like quite the farmer’s daughter! Lucky for me I brought a few extra layers because damn! It was cold. The type of cold where it catches your breathe every time you breathe in, you cheeks turn various shades of pink and your eyes want to water. But in all fairness the sun was out, he just wasn’t doing his job very well. Needless to say this the first time I recessed my wardrobes readiness for winter! At the apple farm we went on a trailer attached to a tractor, up to the apple orchids where every tree has a colored ribbon tied to it signifying the type of apple it produces, not really caring about the type and rather just the experience, it didn’t take this safa (South African) long to be up the tree and picking ‘dem apples! Annabel was cute helping out by standing at the base of the tree and collecting the apples I collected, reminding me every time that it was going into her basket! The day was ended off by indulging in hot apple cider donuts! Yummy!

AJ and I apple picking

Monday, September 28, 2009

MASS - A - CHU - SETTS ...

My next adventure…Boston, MA (Massachusetts…aka there’s-no-way-I -could-spell-that-without-spellcheck!) Ravash came to Wisconsin, so I promised her I would go to Boston, I had a long weekend off in Sept (Fri, Sat and Sun) so I woke up really early (for the record anything before 8 is early for me) and boarded the airport connection at 4:30am (argh!) climbed on a plane and landed in Boston at 1pm…of course everyone was looking bright eyed and bushy tailed (I think I just looked bushy tailed!) Ravash’s host child (? - I’m still not sure what to called the kids we look after, we have host parents, so they should either be our host kids or our host siblings…but that is just too weird for words) finished school just after I got there so we took her to the playground, it was fun! Meaning we probably had more fun there than she did…

See what I mean? Ravashnie on the slide
Later we took Elizabeth back to the house and made paper flowers for her mother. When Ravash’s host mom came home we made a beeline for the door and went out for dinner at the Chessecake Factory, which does in fact have a wide range of dishes and not just desserts. (I had never gone there before because I don’t really like cheesecake and I thought it was a dessert place, only) while there we met up with another South African girl, Thubile.
Thubile, Ravashnie and I at Cheesecake factory. MA

The next day the girls - Geetha, a Malaysian girl and Hilda (Jones) a South African girl from Kokstad that I went to school with like 10 years ago! - took me out and about in Boston, we went to Bunker Hill, Quincy market and a whole bunch of other interesting places. 

Geetha, Hilda, Ravashnie and I

Hilde and I at Bunker Hill Monument

We also saw a bar that is modeled on the set of ‘Cheers’. That night Ravash and I planned to go out, but as you know what they say about the best laid plans… the car had a flat tire so we got less than a block away, and decided to catch a bus and just check out Boston by night. We met some VERY interesting (aka weird) people, one guy told me “I am love…with your eyes right now…” okay dude, I would like to warn you at this stage that I do carry pepper spray and I do know self-defense!

Some random part of Boston by night...

 On Sunday we had planned a picnic, but with the rain we jumped at the lunch invitation extended by her host family. While dinning they promptly offered me her job when she leaves next year - slightly awkward moment! In private Ravash remarked I should visit more often as her host family isn’t usually so sweet to her, what can I say host families love my…charm? That brought my Boston trip to an end, and Ravash, Geetha and Kim (another SA au pair) drove me to the airport where we bid fond farewells.

Ravash, Geetha, Kim and I and of course my pink bag :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

100 Days and still going strong...

Saturday the 12th of September marked my 100th day in Wisconsin, and as I looked back at my last few months I cannot believe how acclimatized I have become. You know you are comfortable in a new country when you crave food from shops here and your sentences stop beginning with “in my country.”

Fernanda, Monique, Stephanie and I at a mini golf au pair meeting
The day was celebrated by drinking American beer! Ha ha! We had an au pair meeting at the Millers Brewery in downtown Milwaukee, there were 7 girls altogether. We went with our counselor plus the two counselors from the other agency. The tour was a walking tour of like 4 blocks, so by the time you get to the end of the tour, you don’t care what the beer tastes like, you’re just parched.  I had this one beer it was called Berry Weiss, and oh my… it changed my point of view of beer. It’s like alcoholic gummy berry juice. (Unfortunately most pubs don’t stock it though) And just to clarify the under aged girls were given any soda of their choice definitely not beer (the legal US drinking age is 21 and driving age 16 hmmm…a little strange but oh well)

Nadine, Yardely, Fernanda, Vanessa, Tamara, Rieki and I at the Miller Tour
After that a Brazilian au pair (Fernanda) and a Columbian au pair (Yardley) and I decided to check out the ‘Indian Summer Fest” which not Indian like I would expect in South Africa, it is American-Indian. It was really nice to see the dancing (which looks a little strange if you don’t understand the concept behind it, one man told me convincingly enough that there was no way they were stoned…I beg to differ.) One act that truly stood out in my mind was a dance that 5 guys performed on a wooden pole that was like 100 meters (ok exaggeration) above the ground and they kind of bungeed off the pole and swung around in a circle, it was hectic!

Mexican Dancing

Also the food was pretty cool, after weeks of trying to explain to my host family what ‘vetkoek’ was (for those that are not familiar with weird (but tasty) South African cuisine, it is a dough deep fat fried and stuffed with mince/ground beef) when I explained this to Amanda (my host mom) and Jena (the babysitter) they asked me why would I think that stuffing dough with “mints” would taste good, that’s when I found out the American phrase is “ground beef”. So anyway, I found a meal called an Indian taco, which is ‘vetkoek’ with salad! Mission accomplished J

Yardy, Vanessa and I at Mexican Fest
The night ended with a farewell (for a girl I had never met) and a welcome (for a girl that I had also never met) but when you trying to make friends those are minor details! We ended up at a place called Hooligans (which was a lot tamer than the name suggests!) with 2 Colombian au pairs (and a Colombian guy who knew one of the girls), an au pair from Panama, one from Romania, and another  from Brazil…and a few more from countries that I not only cannot spell, but can’t pronounce either! It was really interesting with everyone so glad to meet other girls either from their country or that speak the same language as them…I of course just had me, myself and I. Well that was until every realized the only things we had in common was our jobs, America and yup…English! (However bad and fragmented) So this wonderful day-turned-night ended with all of us dancing to the some old school songs in a place called RC’s. Fun times in Milwaukee!

Some more dancing...