Monday, October 19, 2009

Windy city ... take two ...

My next few weeks were kind of just relaxed, which was a nice change! So after my first “fun-filled” Chicago experience, I heard that a few other girls were thinking of traveling there…I jumped at the opportunity to go back! Early on Saturday morning 5 of us girls were Chicago bound…we arrived there at 8am after taking a 2hour bus trip, our day started with the Shedd Aquarium which was truly amazing! (we saw a 4D show called our planet) Next we visited Field’s museum where we saw “Sue” the T-rex, lots of artifacts and even a taxi-cut out for the Africa display.

African taxi...slightly different from a NYC taxi

Next on our self-guided tour of the Windy city was the Adler Planetarium where we saw 2 movies about space one of which was a children’s movie (the better of the two) and one that was shown on a dome shaped roof! (wow!) Our next stop was the Willis Tower (aka the Skydeck or Sears Tower) which has the most amazing view of Chicago from 103 stories up. After taking way to many photos of the same thing, meeting new people and watching a proposal we decided that it was officially home (well hotel) time. Back safely in our room we showered, changed, ate and…zzzzzz

Rieke, Nadine, Tamara, Fernanda and I in the Willis Tower viewing window
Rise and shine on day two (and final day in Chicago) we caught the metro into Chicago as the hotel we stayed at was in a suburban of Chicago and not downtown (that’s traveling on a budget I guess) At this point I would like to point out that I armed with a map and computer researched metro colours and bus numbers managed to get us to all these wonderful places…without getting lost! (Ha, so much for being directionally challenged!)

Posing with the statues...
The day began with Dunkin Donut breakfast at Millennium park (which is where the ‘Bean’ aka Cloud gate is) then we headed to Navy pier, where we meet some crazy people! (Lots of pirates walking around and people on mechanical chairs that were kind of freaky) We decided that we had to check out Chinatown, so that was our next stop…after eating at a super cute Vietnamese restaurant we started to head back to Union station where our bus would fetch us and end our magical Chicago weekend! But what a weekend we had!

All the girls at Navy Pier

Loving Chicago (taken at Navy Pier)

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