Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back to Milwaukee…from a wonderful vacation…

Tuesday morning was an early morning wakeup call (yes mom, I consider 5am early!) Only to get to the airport to discover not only can I not find my e-ticket but I have also chosen the wrong terminal. I had to literally fly around the airport from terminal 1 trying to find not 2 or 3 but 7-the last terminal! After finally finding the right terminal and checking myself in, I had to wait in the security check lines, which if you have ever had to travel in the States, you know it’s serious business! I got half way through the lines before I started to freak out realizing I had 10 minutes to make it through and board my plane, so I asked a lady if I could move to the front of the line, she not only moved me to the front she called one of those golf cart things to come and fetch me to take me to my boarding gate! People were just starting at me, with my big sunglasses, funny accent and special treatment…I felt very Hollywood - just for a moment! Finally in my seat I was glad to discover I was not the last to board the plane! My connecting flight was in Vegas, the airport is just filled with slot machines, and it’s actually quite a pretty airport.

Vegas airport...I hope to see you again...soon!

Finally back in Milwaukee I was welcomed by rain and 45F (7.2C) which at the time I thought was tragic…how opinions can change!

Hmmm...Milwaukee I think I love you...

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