Thursday, November 26, 2009

My first Turkey Day…

The 26th of November was Thanksgiving Day which in America is basically a big excuse to eat, drink and be merry. With my host mom being a vegetarian I was a little worried about how that would affect my first American Thanksgiving experience, but Dave who was not going to let that happen, cooked a big fat turkey (for two of us, hey I would have settled for turkey sandwiches) We had a lovely but small celebration. Annabel when asked what she was thankful for happily replied “Scrambled eggs” ha ha aren’t 3 year olds cute?

AJ and I at the Thanksgiving day table
The other day she asked me “Robyn, where you live in AFRICA (yes the emphasis was on the word Africa) it’s like a zoo there, right?…” And that was it, I have no idea where it came from or why, but I suppose it is true!

Braden, AJ and Finn...fall family photo
That is my little American adventure up until end of November o9, although there is just one more bit I want to add… I got stopped by the cops - for going through a red light! Argh, can you believe I’m such an idiot? I never even saw the light, but the cop saw me so he pulled me over and started questioning me… this is how is basically how it went down…

Cop: “Ma’me, you just went through a red light”
Me: “Seriously?” *very confused look on face*
Cop: “Yes, is this your car?”
Me: “No, it’s my host parents car” *heart beating profusely*
Cop: “Your HOST parents?”
Me: “Yes, I’m not from this country. Where was the traffic light?” *fight urge to call it a robot*
Cop: “Can I see your license?” *after explaining where the traffic light was*
Me: “Sure” *trying to smile my ‘please don’t give me a fine’ smile*
Cop: “I’ll be right back”
          “Are you host parents form Pennsylvania?”
Me: “Originally yes” *by now I have decided if his pen touches the piece of paper in his hand I’m going to turn on the water works, I know what you thinking guys “Crying is blackmail” we know it is, but having so many emotions has to have some perks right?*
Cop: “Okay, well please tell them their license plates have expired”
Me: “They have?!”
Cop: “Yes in March”
Me: “I’ll tell them, I’m so sorry”
Cop: “Its okay, just drive carefully, and have a good night”
Me: “Thank you, you too” (Did that just really happen?, and no fine? Shoo, got to look out for sneaky traffic lights)

Intergrating? ... Maybe...
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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