Friday, April 12, 2013

Hanging with the ‘tones

Love it!
Tamryn mentioned one day that she had heard the Parlotones were coming to Milwaukee. Prompting me to google and search every website possible in order to find out if it was true. It…WAS!!!

Tamryn and I
I found this interesting too...Tamryn who is from Toti and I found out our sisters go to the SAME SCHOOL! Crazy huh?
We booked tickets and started counting down the days. The day finally arrived, and as always we were prepared! After the opening act, Dinner and a suit (who were really good!) we got to meet the boys of Dinner and a Suit. We took some pictures then got ready for some home grown joy!

Tamryn, Dinner and a Suit and I
We pulled out our SA flags (yes, we brought those along,) just to show who the REAL fans were. We also noticed a group of people just as crazy as us with SA apparel on. Once we started speaking to them I realized the one girl is a South African au pair I had met previously, and the others were her friends and ‘tannies’ from around the area. So not only did we get to experience some wonderful music that took me back to lazy days in SA, listening to East Coast Radio, while eating mangoes in the sunshine (all my best SA memories conviently mashed together) but we made more SA friends!


SA friends, Glenn from Parltones, Tamryn and I
After the show the Parlotones guys hung out meeting fans and taking pictures with everyone. It must be hard for them to go from household names in South Africa to a band that has a tiny following and plays in clubs to 30 people or so. They seem to be really trying to get their name out and break into the US market.

So maybe one day I will be having a lazy day, listening to Kissfm, while eating - I don’t know like cheese curds or beer soup in the freezing cold that is Wisconsin for 9 months out of the year, and maybe I will hear a proudly SA band jamming. 

Glenn Hodgson

Kahn Morbee

Kahn and I

Neil and I

Paul and I

My favourite picture from the night HAHA

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