Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just say yes already…Part 5

It is important to note now that the first time Tyler and I met I was arranging a trip to Minneapolis. My friends and I invited everyone and anyone we knew to come with. Tyler and his best friend Andy both said they too would be interested in coming. The closer it got the more people flaked on me. Amy went to Florida instead, not that I blame her. Who goes to Minnesota in the winter when it is the only state colder than Wisconsin? Julia went to renew her visa in Germany and so on. So basically it left Tyler, Andy and I. Andy dropped out and then there were two.

The first picture ever taken of us in 2010

I called Tyler and told him he didn't have to commit as I could take the bus down. He clearly never knew me very well ‘cos he later told me he was worried that if he didn't go (he had offered to drive) that I wouldn't get to go. A boere maak a plan, but anyway.

Riding in the car for 7 hours with someone you don’t know all that well is intimidating. Will he like my music, what if we have nothing to talk about, you know all those thoughts. Just kidding! This is me we are talking about I blasted the ABC state song about 20 minutes into the journey, sang don’t stop believing loudly and off key (it’s the only key I have) and only stopped talking to sleep (which I am good at in a car.)

About half way through that trip he began to tell me that one day we would date, and eventually get married ‘cos we were perfect for each other. I told him…that he was creepy, thankfully he was just kidding. That’s thing with him, I realized immediately that we had a lot in common and he made me laugh. But he actually seemed to know a thing or two and in our now almost 3 years of knowing each other he has been right about 2 things…us and my ring.

So the reason I bring this up is after he explained about the scary moment he had to ask my dad, about the moments he started at the ring wondering if I would like it and if it would ever fit on my finger and the scariest moment of waiting for the answer that would change our lives forever he turned to me and said…I told you so. And just that one time, I let him know he had won.

Tyler and I in Minnesota

Yes the way we met was a bit unconventional, I think my parents thought I was nuts for driving 7 hours in a car to take a trip with someone I had just met two weeks ago and had only talked to once, however I was in for an adventure and she was cute so why not?!? I mean she is barely taller than a midget and if she really got out of hand I was sure I could protect myself ;) That said the night I met Robyn I told my friend after she had left for the night that there was, “something different about that girl.” At that time I couldn't tell what, but she had definitely caught my attention and I spent a lot of the next few days thinking about her, I guess that doesn't make hopping in the car with someone you just met any less of a crazy idea, but my curiosity got the best of me because by the time a two weeks had past I absolutely needed to learn more about this girl… Turns out it was the best risk I had ever taken. 

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