Monday, March 18, 2013

One more sleep…

Saturday is gymnastics day for all the kids. Because Braden had been sick the night before we skipping gym for him, but there is only one of me so I still had to take him with. Braden wanted to go to gym with Finn and I had to explain why he couldn’t, I even had Finn telling me I should let since “he very, very wants to jump in the ball pit.” 

After gymnastics we headed home to eat lunch and nap. Then I got all the kids ready to go to Eli’s (Braden and Finn’s school friend) birthday party. It was interesting since I could see all the parents looking at me and wondering if I was the mama. Finn has the habit of calling me mama, in the most inappropriate times and then laughing while I try and explain that’s not my name.

Saturday we spent watching Wall-E. Kids into bed and ready to go to sleep after Tyler came to visit me. Finally in a peaceful sleep when I hear “rara, wake up.” I literally woke up, jumped and said, “whoooooaaaa!” I was freaked out. Then he told me his cheeks were sore, I cautiously asked, like you feel like you want to puke. Then prayed please say no…

I think he just wanted to sleep on the couch – he likes that. Once I got him down he slept happily. I didn’t. I had the monitor in my room and about two hours later Finn woke up crying, but settled down just after I woke up. Then at 7.30 am he bounced into my room all awake and happy. At that moment I really wished he knew how to make coffee! However when I asked if he wanted to just snuggle for awile he agreed, then after 10 minutes decided he wanted to get himself ready. That brought me 20 minutes of extra sleep. But I realized I would have to wake up and face the day, and the best way to do that is definitely with pancakes! Yummy!

We waited around the house until their parents arrived home around 12pm or so. And then I took a nap J

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