Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just say yes already…Part 3

This is my way of forcing you all to read every word.

So after a long day of car shopping we went back to Tyler’s apartment (his bachelor pad, we haven’t moved in yet, follow along.) Me, always being cold asked him if I could borrow some socks.

There I am lying on the couch, not even gracefully, wearing a pair of (old) man socks looking like a gangster. Tyler had told me had a surprise for me which he had made. He was originally going to show me on the night of the Ambassador awards but I had wanted to celebrate with my fellow sweet 16 so he postponed this. He starts setting it all up and there are cords and computers and t.v. cables and all and all. And I’m just watching, waiting. Finally I crack what I thought was a funny joke. Which is also (usually) a personal joke between the two of us. I say, “you aren't going to propose now are you?”

When all our friends were getting engaged he kept kidding around that he was going to take me somewhere romantic and then bend down on one knee and…tie his shoes lace. Tell my parents he needed to ask them something and then, ask them how they were. Silly things like that. So I was totally kidding and made the joke.

He momentarily froze, which should have been a clue to me, but I was in gangster mode and gangsters don’t think that quickly. He came back with, “and what would be wrong if I was?”
To which I descriptively responded, “I don’t know, I’m all like lying on the couch in like socks and stuff.”
He then asked, “So I can never propose if you are wearing socks only flip flops?”
I just laughed and he started the video.
It opened with “the Story of Robyn and Tyler.”
Then there were pictures of us, sounds clips of him talking about how we met, how he felt about me and how special I was to him. At this point I was like wow; Ninja boy knows how to work an awesome computer program.

Hearing him say sweet things is not totally uncommon as at every award’s dinner, induction, birthday, belly dance show, valentine’s day etc. he always gives me a card with the sweetest things written inside. He had told me he wanted to do something for the Madison dinner because it was so special but something other than a card. So clearly the penny still hadn't dropped ‘cos apparently he is good at making covers that are believable…unlike me.
The second the last slide (below) pops up and I’m thinking that sounds like it’s going down proposal lane. Since we had already decided to move in together, what else could it be? Unless he is asking for a baby? Oh goodness please don’t be asking for a baby! (This is how my mind thinks.)

Then the last slide pops up (below) and I realize he was also in on my joke. So I turn to him to let him know how funny he isn't. Then I notice he is on bending on one knee, ring in hand. I’m so confused and shocked I don’t even notice the ring. I go, “is this real life? What are you doing?” (Meaning what are you doing on the floor, slowly my brain is regaining ability to think and I’m adding two and two together.) He asks officially, “will you marry me?” (not will you make me the happiest man in world romcom line, he is a realist and he realizes being married to me with have its ups and downs.)

Wow reading this version of the story makes is sound much more funny than it actually felt, perhaps I missed the whole bit because I was probably the most nervous guy in the world at that very moment, but that was probably the most stressful 15 minutes or so of my life building up to that. It wasn't ideally the time that I wanted to do it, but as she said the night of her big award ceremony didn't go quite as drawn up so I called an audible. (Apparently this is a football term, it means something like changing the play in a game…I don’t know…men always seem to need to use sports terms to describe everything.)That said the fact that it even occurred to her at all that I would be asking for a baby makes me laugh, why in the world would I ask for a baby before even being married?!?

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