Sunday, July 1, 2012

Little things that make me smile…

The boys in my opinion are hilarious, and in the rare opportunity they say something funny and I remember to write it down, I love to share these with you all because they make me smile.

Welcome to my life...
The other day while driving along, Braden pointed out that we were driving past *Rara houses*, when I questioned what that meant he replied, “You know, they are all big and little.” I am still not sure what exactly this means…

I have star charts for the boys and whenever they try a new food, are super helpful or tidy up after themselves I give them a star on their chart. After fixed breakfast for the boys recently and making their school lunches, I heard Braden ask Finn, “Do you think we can give rara a sticker for doing a good job?” So sweet!

Are they laughing at me?

After telling me that I am *part of his family*, Braden told me I can go to Africa when he falls asleep at night. I asked him why, and he remarked if I go while he is awake he would miss me too much, but he knows I miss my mom and dad so I can visit them. He is so sweet and caring!

Sweet child

Finn refused to drink all his milk during breakfast on morning, so I said I would put it in the fridge, he replied *but it will go soggy in the fridge.* HAHA

Now I'm laughing :)
I put Finn in time out after many times of him not listening to me. When I said Finn you need to go to time out, he said, “but whyyyyy?” I gave him the reasons, and he responded, “ but, but rara, I never listen to you.” UGH!

Which reminds me of my *little* sister Rebecca who after my mom called her at least 3 times, and then she shouted “Rebecca, I have called you 5 times already” then replied “No mom, you only called me 3 times.” Busted!

Gotcha pixel pie :)

Mr Finn decided one Thursday afternoon to lock himself in the bathroom. The bathroom door that you can ONLY open from the inside. So I spent the last hour of my working day lying on the floor, with a mirror under the door so I could see him, while trying to explain to him how to unlock the door. Eventually I had to feed him under the door. Once he got his arm stuck in the gap under the door I had to free his arm by applying copious amounts of lotion to his arm. Finally Dave and Amanda arrived home and finally we were able to free little Finn from the bathroom prison he had locked himself in.

Pretty cute kids!

While on a walk one day, we were walking in a line with me as the leader and Braden, AJ and Finn following. Finn in the back piped up, *hey I feel like a caboose* Oh yeah, he loves Thomas the Tank engine.
The boys have been attending a bug camp recently and there are a few pregnant ladies and a few with new babies there and I believe this is what led to the statement that came out of Braden’s mouth, and totally shocked me…

“Rara, I think you should have a baby in your belly.” Um, what?! “Well then you can have your own Braden.” *then he looked at Finn, and then at me* “I think you have space for two in your belly” Um, ugh…end of conversation! LOL

Learning letters

"I found the 'eff' rara"

Learning to ride a bike with NO training wheels (sh is a pro now)

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