Thursday, July 26, 2012

Car trouble…

Tyler previously owed a Kia Optima, which he sold after he started his new job, since it included a car. Unfortunately the new car was a Ford Focus, which has less room than my closet, and I was not looking forward to spending a long time in his tiny tin can of a car.
Then Tyler found out he was able to change his car for a Ford Escape, which has a lot more room - Yah! But it wouldn’t arrive till after our trip – Boo!
Somehow all my praying must of worked because the car arrived about a month before we had to leave for our trip. I was super excited. And within days I was planning out every inch of space available to s in the car. Cooler boxes and camera bags take up a lot of room you know.
Then one week before we were supposed to leave, Tyler got a phone call informing him that his car was being recalled. Um, what?! Yes, the cars were being recalled since the fuel line was spilling on something that was catching on fire and I guess they were considering them an exploding hazard.
Soooooo, the company gave him a replacement car. That couldn’t go out of the state. (Our road trip includes 22 states, so you can see how this would hamper our plan) They also informed him his car would be ready maybe Thursday, otherwise Friday or the next week. (We were supposed to leave on the Thursday) As you can imagine this caused me a great about of stress and anxiety since I had no idea what would happen.
Thankfully it all ended up working out and Tyler received his *safe* car back on Wednesday…Shoo!

So this is a touchy subject for me, I had just gotten my brand new Kia Optima (picture below) and of course I decided to get it fully loaded so that I had a really nice car, little did I know that I would be getting a company vehicle with a new job and that I wouldn’t need a personal vehicle… As Robyn mentioned they gave me a 2012 Ford Focus to start out, and allowed me to order a new vehicle after a couple months… so in a span of less than six months I was driving three different vehicles, I will be completely honest though, while my new Ford Escape is okay, it will never match my Kia Optima, that was by far my favorite car, however nothing beats a free vehicle so I will drive my Escape… I have shown pictures of all three below.

Kia Optima

Ford Focus (eww...)
Ford Escape

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