Thursday, July 26, 2012

TRAVEL TIPS . . . About Airports…

I have decided to compile a list of travel tips for those of you inspired enough by my travels to travel yourself. Some of them are my own some for them I have edited but I got them from and

When you fly, pack your crosswords, pens, gum, magazines, or any other items to which you will want to access during the flight in a small, durable plastic bag like the kind you get at bookstores. The bag is easy to lift out of your carry-on, and it fits right into the airplane seat pocket. You will have everything at your fingertips, and nothing will disappear into the depths of the pocket.

Do you often bring a pillow on flights? Does it fall in between the seats all the time? I recommend packing a camping sack with soft and cushy items like hooded sweatshirt and the airline's blanket they pass out. This will create a big enough make shift pillow that will stay in place and you will no longer wake up with a stiff neck!

Another alternative for a pillow - bring a beach ball! It may sound silly, but when you ready to catch some Z's, blow up the ball and rest it on your tray table. That way, you won't have to worry about your heading bobbing around or a sore neck as you rest on the beach ball. It can also make a great foot rest after the flight!

Afraid you'll leave something behind at airport security? I suggest placing all your valuable items into your shoes! Anything from your cell phone, watch, wallet, or change will never end up left behind again after leaving the x-ray machine. You'll thank yourself for doing this!

Everyone always forgets where they park at the airport after a long trip. One way to remind yourself where you left your car is by writing down the number/letter of your parking area on the parking ticket that comes out of the machine when you arrive, and stick that slip in your wallet or purse. This way you'll have it written on the one item you need to get out of the parking garage. You can also snap a picture on your cell phone so you have it at your fingertips.

Cover both sides of your name tag with clear packing tape! This way, the tag will last and it will be easier to spot your luggage from someone else's.

To prevent having to thumb through the in-flight magazine for the fifth time, cut out the crosswords from your newspaper every day before your trip. Paste them into a notebook and you will have your own crossword puzzle book! It's topical and much more entertaining than the ones you find at the airport.

To make sure you never leave anything behind again on the plane, label it! It may sound silly, but if a flight attendant finds your item you left behind with your information on it, it could get back to you.

To help speed up the security process at the airport, place all your personal belongings inside of your jacket pocket. Then, fold up the jacket in half with the collar on top. This way, nothing will fall out.

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