Sunday, January 16, 2011

Yes officer…

The day started with an Au Pair meeting (which we have monthly, each time we do something different) at Red Arrow Ice Skating park. I love ice skating so I was happy to attend this. Some of the other girls had never skated before so it’s always fun to try and teach a new person how to essentially balance on two blades while going around in circles on a slab of frozen water.  Sounds like a great idea, right? The best thing about skating at Red Arrow is the Starbucks right next to it, which has a little fire place, it’s really cute!

At Starbucks...
Later we all headed to Mayfair Mall (in Wauwatosa.) They are pretty strict and have a lot of rules and regulations about who can enter the mall at what time, so when Julia and I walked in they asked us for our ID’s…apparently we look under 18. Once we showed him we were in fact over the legal age they gave us wrist bands so we weren’t get ID-ed again. Not sure if I should feel complimented or insulted?

Julia and I

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