Sunday, January 23, 2011

Skiing and a Packers Game…

Skiing is amazing and something that I’m not half bad at. So I have tried to get a bunch of girls together for a while now to make a trip out to Crystal Ridge so we can test our balance ability on the ski hills. Finally we made it happen, so I was super excited! The packers were playing that day so all our guy friends bailed on us…but whatever girls are more fun anyway!

Let's do this thing!
I can’t describe the exhilarating and scary feeling you have as you get to the top of the ski lift, knowing you are about to whiz down the hill, balanced on two slats of wood (or wait is it fiberglass?) with nothing stopping gravity from ‘owning’ you except your balance and hopefully will to survive. Okay, so maybe that’s a little dramatic but as a pretty new skier, I do still wonder every time whether or not I’ll make it down the hill or whether my family will have to hear about my demise through CNN world news. I guess that thought just makes the adrenaline junkie in me a little excited. You they say everything good in life is either illegal, immoral, dangerous or fattening.

Beautiful isn't it?

And while skiing down a hill is definitely not fattening, the food we gorged ourselves on afterwards certainly was. We of course justified it with, ‘well we did a lot of exercise today’ (so it’s okay to have a burger, fries…and maybe something sweet…) We did become honorary Americans when we sat in the ski lodge watching the football game, we became even more American or should I say Wisconsin when we rooted for the Packers (over the Chicago Bears) while wearing Packers gear…this is what they call integrating! The Packers won, so it was a big celebration for all. The funny thing was out of all the people in the ski lodge we were definitely shouting the loudest. Of course we had no idea what was ging on so we were shouting things like “Get the ball for the other dude” and “Score a thing behind the line” and “Run to the line thing and do what you are supposed to do” but generally we stuck with “Go Pack Go!”

Go Pack Go!!!

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