Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wheeeee….or not…just smile!

After starting a new year with my family I was ready to tackle 2011…starting with…

Fun with the girls at Currie Park, WI

I have made some amazing friends during my au pair experience and I have tried some amazing things. Like sledding for instance, I have tried it a few things since I got here, but it’s always a new adventure and tons of fun. A bunch of us girls headed up to Currie Park, which is a golf course used as an open sledding spot come winter. In the beginning we were actually sledding…after a while once we had all gone “wheeee” down the hill and huffed and puffed to get to the top of the hill, we started taking pictures…yes, imagine that foreigners taking pictures! The pics I’m adding to this post of my favourite as we were trying a self-timed group portrait, and with every pic we added another au pair, but it wasn’t even planned!  

Then there were five...

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