Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Birthdays…and weekends…

So finally the weekend I have been waiting for arrives. It starts with a girls night out to Casablanca, which is a Middle Eastern cuisine restaurant where they have belly dancers that come to perform, the perfect place a girls night out with my belly dance troupe and a few friends.

Just a few of my amazing friends :)
Next we moved onto Buckheads where I danced the night away, with all my nearest and dearest Milwaukee friends. It was really fun! Plus a girl that I had met on the airplane coming back from Boston (in Jan) was in town so she stopped by and joined us.

All the pretty ladies...
On the day of my actual birthday, my friend Kelly (who is an American girl who works as a nanny for a family down the road from me) arranged a special birthday dinner at Trocadero. She invited Julia and Dorit and they showed up dressed all cute with big smiles on their faces…so imagine my surprise when I opened the door expected to just see Kelly. You girls rock!

Kelly and Julia
Dorit and I
My host family feeling bad that they weren’t around to spend my birthday night with me arranged a special dinner night for the following day as well as sent me a beautiful bouquet of as Amanda described it to the florist “pretty pink flowers”

Pretty flowers
I also received a bunch of birthday balloons (including spongebob) from a friend of mine who was traveling West at the time, so I really wasn’t expecting anything. My doorbell was super busy that day, and the huge grin never left my lips!

Be Happy...
Tamara, my bestie from Germany sent a special Birthday package just for me which was packed with German candy, cute mentos and kind words! I miss you Tamaraski!

Yummy treats!

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