Friday, June 10, 2011

Warming NOT burning…

Tyler has now moved in with his best friend Andy and the guys decided to have a house warming celebration. The night started off well with Karabo, Nina, Tyler, Andy, Brittney (Andy’s girlfriend), Dan (aka Schaefer) and Nate gathered over drinks and snacks. Later on one of Brittney’s acquaintances joined the party…she was slightly strange to say the least. After drinking way to much we decided to set her up with a couch to sleep on so she could ‘sleep it off’. Luckily Brittney lives in the apartment above, so we had some space for her.

Celebrating with the girls
The party quietened down at about 2am, and everyone found some bed, couch or floor to inhabit. Karabo and Jeremy ventured outside when they were meet by an elderly lady who informed them there was smoke coming from the 3rd floor. After much confusion and a little panic we realized apartment 28 on the 3rd floor was Brittney’s house! So Karabo, Brittney and I ran up to her place, barged through the door and were met by a smoke filled room (yes, we were silly enough to just open the door without knowing what was behind it.) My first reaction is to find the drunk girl, so I’m calling orders of open the windows, doors, stay low and cover your mouth! It is amazing what you remember and what you forget in situations like these. After searching the apartment we realized she had disappeared, left her shoes and made a very stupid mistake! She had tried to cook noodles in a hot pot (which is electric) which she put on the stove, without any water and the cord had caught fire! And for some strange reason there were Cheerios on the floor…

This made me laugh (google image)

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