Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brooklyn Bounce…

Today I walked to Grand Central Station and caught the purple 7 subway heading to Times Square, I it sounds like I know what I’m talking about and where I’m going, truth is I have been helped out by many friendly New Yorkers! From Times Square I caught the sightseeing bus and headed for the Brooklyn tour. This tour wasn't a hop on hop off tour so I got to sit and take in the sight a little instead of remembering where my next stop and pre-planning my “plan of action.”

Grand Central Station, NYC

While on the tour I heard a lady behind me mention something about the “bar-th-room” (yes, I am trying to type it the way I assume it sounds to other people, to me it just sounded like I was about to meet a lovely South African family on vacation! They were really sweet and friendly and it was great chatting to them for a little while.

Part of the Brooklyn Tour, NYC

I’m not going to list everything I saw on the tour although I am going to make mention of the polar opposite reactions we experienced while driving through Brooklyn. We had some people that shouted at the bus questioning why we would ever want to take a tour a Brooklyn, we had people shouting at the bus because they weren’t so happy to have tourist “take over their town” and then we had a few group of people shouting things like “welcome to Brooklyn” “hope you have a great tour” and things of the positive nature…

On my way to Staten Island, NY

Today is also the day I headed out to see Lady Liberty clad in all her glory, via the Staten Island ferry (which by the way is totally free.) You don’t go to Ellis Island or to the actual Statue of Liberty but you get really close, so it’s a great picture taking opportunity. Once you get to Staten Island you have to get off the ferry and re-board even if you are doing a quick round trip, which most people do, which seems like a waste of time but I can see the logic behind it. A quick trip back to Times Square, then Grand Central and I was ready for my night adventure!

Lady Liberty, NYC

I decided to venture up the Empire State building, as when I arrived in the USA (2 years ago) went did a tour of New York which included a trip up the Rockefeller Center. So when faced with the possibility of nostalgia or new memories I opted to make like King Kong and do the Empire State. (This comment better not lead to any monkey, hair or weight jokes!) The Empire state is a beautiful building with an amazing view! But I’ll let the pictures do the talking on that one…

The view from the Empire State Building, NYC

The Empire State, NYC

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